AWS vs Heroku Which Cloud Hosting Service is Better for Startups

August 13, 2021

Starting a startup is not a piece of cake; it requires effort, time, and, more importantly, money. One of the critical components of creating a successful startup is selecting the suitable cloud hosting service. Two popular choices for cloud hosting services are AWS and Heroku. Therefore, it's only fair to compare the two to help you decide which one is the best match for your startup.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a top-ranking cloud hosting service that offers a wide range of services to cater to different kinds of businesses. AWS is known for its reliability, flexibility, and scalability. It provides a comprehensive set of cloud infrastructure services, including computing power, database storage, and content delivery.


  • Flexibility: As a startup, you want a cloud hosting service that can adapt to your needs, AWS offers that flexibility as it can adjust to your needs, and you pay for what you use.
  • Scalability: Startups tend to grow, and AWS has the capacity to support that growth, so you don't have to change hosting services when you outgrow the resources you initially paid for.
  • Reliability: With AWS, you can rest assured that your website or app is reliable and secure because it has a 99.9% uptime guarantee.


AWS offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which means you only pay for the resources you use. This pricing model makes it affordable for startups to use AWS, as you don't need to invest a lot of money upfront. However, as your startup grows and you use more resources, the cost may go up.


Heroku is a cloud hosting platform that focuses on simplicity of deployment, and it provides an easy and fast way to deploy web applications. It is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and is known for its user-friendly interface and streamlined deployment process, making it popular among developers.


  • Easy Deployment: Heroku offers a fast and straightforward deployment process that allows developers to focus on developing instead of wasting time on infrastructure issues.
  • Scalability: Heroku can accommodate the growth of your startup, making it a reasonable choice for startups that want to grow.
  • Affordability: Heroku offers a free tier that startups can use, which is useful for startups with a tight budget.


Heroku has a flexible pricing model, where users pay for the services they need as they use them. However, Heroku's pricing can be a bit expensive compared to AWS, especially as your startup grows.


In terms of flexibility, AWS takes the lead as it can cater to any kind of company. AWS has a wide range of services that can be adapted to any business need, while Heroku is limited to web-based applications.

Regarding pricing, Heroku is reasonable for startups that are just getting started or have a small budget. However, as soon as your startup grows to require more resources, the cost of Heroku will be significant. AWS, on the other hand, might have a higher initial cost but is cheaper with growth as it is more scalable.


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